Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Oh... I mean, URANUS. So apparently in contracts these days a clause was added to ensure coverage when life is extended to the MOON! "In perpetuity throughout the universe" is the phrase I am talking about. What does that have to do with anything? You will just have to stick around and find out! That being said. Recently I was on a german television show with my client Beth Shak. One of my best friends, my partner in crime, as well as the woman who brought me to South Africa. While I am not YET famous on the moon I have been getting a bit of press in Germany. I am super excited about actually having someone VOICE ME OVER!  : ) I realize this segment was not about me, I just LOVE being in it and having someone speak over my voice in German! It doesn't stop there! Next week, Tuesday November 9th, I will be appearing with Beth Shak on Bravo's hit series, Millionaire Matchmaker! One of the most fun days of my summer and you all get to watch!

So with nothing exciting to talk about this week *(legally I am contracted to silence until December) I want to share something fascinating from my past. A few years ago I began attending an event in Vienna Austria called Life Ball. The largest AIDS benefit in the world, with one of the most exciting after parties in perpetuity throughout the universe! Ok, Ok, so maybe thats NOT how you use that term, but If I don't get it in at LEAST one more time during this blog, the title is a waste. During Life Ball everyone wears AMAZING costumes and is dressed in a theme hence my crazy glitter eye, and Heatherette hoodie!  I will show you some pictures from Life Ball!
TRIPPLE THREAT! Aubrey O'Day, Jenna Jameson, & Tinsley Mortimer
Wifey O'Day and Mark
Super Model Omahyra Mota
Jake Shears, Mackie Dugan, & Chris
 Baby Daddy
Daniella Sea
Jenna Jameson
Random Austrian Signs.... If you can tell me what this means I will give you $5.00
A dramatic re-enactment from an "advert" on the street...

PS. Christopher James Luke Spinner, I love you...

1 comment:

  1. You have a great life my friend I hope you know that. Love reading your blogs.
